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Case Studies

Kinematics Website Design Captures New Company Brand

Kinematics creates motion control solutions for mission-critical systems in demanding environments. For nearly three decades, they have worked closely with...

Case Studies

Hum Capital Website Design Engages Audience and Converts Leads

Hum Capital connects companies with investors and lenders to make funding equitable, efficient, and accessible. Through creating and launching the...

Case Studies

CBIA User-Focused Website Design Drives Engagement

The Client: CBIA As the leading voice for Connecticut businesses, the organization advocates at the state Capitol for policies that...

Case Studies

SENKO Website Design Positions Company for Success

SENKO develops, manufactures, markets, and distributes over 1000 fiber optic products worldwide for the telecom and datacom industries. The company...

Case Studies

Town of Westborough Website Development Showcases Local Business

The Westborough Economic Development Committee (EDC) promotes business development in the town, works with businesses wishing to locate and or...

Case Studies

OpenClinica Website Design Drives Visitor Engagement

OpenClinica offers leading biotech and pharmaceutical companies, CROs, academic institutions, and government agencies the foundational clinical data management tools they...

Case Studies

Stunning NXTThing RPO Website Design Elevates Recruiting Company

NXTThing continues to partner with us on digital marketing initiatives, so the long term benefits of the site will continue to grow. SEO considerations were taken into account when building the site as well as after the site launched, helping potential clients find the recruitment company.

Case Studies

HilleVax Website Design for Novel Vaccine Biopharmaceutical Company

HilleVax is a Boston-based biopharmaceutical company focused on the development and commercialization of novel vaccines.

Case Studies

Custom Database Website Development for CVCP to Address Rising Healthcare Costs

CardioVascular Care Providers (CVCP) is a network of physicians whose primary focus is to manage cardiovascular diseases, address rising healthcare...

Case Studies

Website Design for Cedar Gate Technologies, a Care Performance Management Company

3 Media Web client, Cedar Gate Technologies, is “a value-based care performance management company that provides a set of core...

Case Studies

New Streamlined Website Design for Catholic Charities Boston

3 Media Web client Catholic Charities Boston is a charitable organization in the Boston area. They came to 3 Media...

Case Studies

Donor Advised Funds Website Design for Research Client

3 Media Web client Helen Brown Group is a team of prospect research consultants. They came to us for a...

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