Innovate and
Inspire Action
Constant evolution is how businesses thrive in today’s world. By expanding your approach to incorporate a well-informed digital strategy into a website, you can convert more visitors to leads.
Why is it important to innovate?
Your website should constantly be evolving to meet the needs of your users. Your users compare you to other websites that they use, even across different industries. Being innovative with your website shows your customers and prospects that you are constantly improving your own products and services. It makes them feel more comfortable that they are not purchasing an outdated product.
How does 3 Media Web innovate?
3 Media Web uses several different approaches to help determine what parts of your website need improvement. The key component to this is the collaboration we have with you and your team. We consider ourselves an extension of your team. The more we know about your business and what you are trying to accomplish, the better we can be with helping to innovate with your website. Aside from brainstorming with you, we use tools to monitor user behavior to see where they might be struggling. We will look at your competitors and other industry-leading websites to see how we might apply some of their successful or relevant techniques.
Why focus the digital strategy on user intent?
Often companies create and design a website that tells the user what the company wants the user to hear. That is not how most users want to be spoken to. Users, as well as Google, are becoming more sophisticated in their use of the internet. Most users, close to 80%, don’t engage with a salesperson until they are at the very end of the buying process. The more you can anticipate their needs and answer their questions easily, the more likely they will engage with you. Your website should be about the user, not you.
Do I need to have a digital strategy before I start a web design project?
YES!!! This is the most important step. You need to understand why your users want to engage with you and how they want their problems solved. During this step, we align all project team members on the purpose and goal of the website. This will make the design and content step smoother because everyone should already be on the same page.