Why Is There a Wide Quote Range for a WordPress Website Design?

Quick Summary: What the website can do also differentiates the price. The most talented website development options will include expert information architecture, integration with third-party software (CRM, marketing automation, etc.), considerations on the customer journey and conversion goals, website accessibility, and SEO.

Shopping around agencies for WordPress website development can be compared to buying a car. You can buy an automobile for $5,000, $50,000, or upwards from there—and ideally, all of these cars can get you from point A to point B.

Your experience, however, is going to be markedly different based on what you invest. WordPress web design is the same way.

Shopping for a WordPress website design for your business? Our team can help eliminate the confusion. Reach out today to get started.

Factors that impact the cost of a new website

WordPress Expertise

First, what is the experience and skill set of the individual or team of specialists designing and building the website? While a single freelancer may have a knack for solid design, consider the whole range of capabilities required for most complex websites, including website planning, development, SEO, QA, training, accessibility, and more.

Typically, single individuals will specialize in only one or two areas of expertise (i.e., design and content) but rarely have an equal aptitude or enthusiasm for quality work in development, SEO, accessibility, content management systems, and so forth.

WordPress Features

What the website can do also differentiates the price. The most talented website development options will include expert information architecture, integration with third-party software (CRM, marketing automation, etc.), considerations on the customer journey and conversion goals, website accessibility, and SEO.

Note that in 2022, website accessibility should no longer be viewed as an afterthought or add-on. Think of website accessibility as integral to your new website, just like SEO and responsive design. One in four individuals in the U.S. alone has permanent or temporary disabilities for which they use assistive devices including screen readers and hearing aids. These folks go online, look for content, and make buying decisions, just like anyone else. Your website needs to be fully accessible so that everyone can use it—as well as to eliminate the possibility of being sued for lack of access.

And consider as well that many accessibility best practices are linked to SEO. It’s an additional layer of optimization ensuring that you’ve got the right type of tags, structure, etc. Also, from a business perspective, it makes sense to make it easy for potential website visitors to find and engage with your website and its content.

A winning website is about much more than a bright and shiny new brand experience. Revisiting the car analogy, while it’s fair that most automobiles will serve the purpose of getting you from point A to B, it’s also fair to acknowledge that the experience of driving a Kia vs. a Lexus vs. a Tesla is all markedly different, right? Websites are the same—and all this functionality adds to the bottom line.

Website Customization

When you’re building a WordPress website, there are off-the-shelf solutions from a design theme standpoint that for certain types of businesses can be wholly sufficient. The key consideration is: how truly custom does your website need to be? If the predetermined design templates are agreeable and you can live with a minimal degree of customization, the good news is you can probably get away with a lower investment.

However, when discussing design, few folks like to be limited. The creative discussion comes to mind when most people think about web design. When considering brand expression, chances are your business wants to differentiate itself to stand out from the competition.

Also, to achieve the goals you have associated with your website, the route to achieving them is rarely met by deploying a carbon copy of someone else’s conversion paths (i.e., using off-the-shelf design solutions). Building a wholly custom virtual experience is key to advancing your brand, your market share, and your website goals.

Tailor Your WordPress Website to Your Business (Not Vice Versa)

As you take the next steps in your WordPress website journey, find experts who can deliver the features and customization your site requires to reach your audiences and smash your objectives.

If you are looking for a website that delivers better experiences, meets accessibility standards, is dialed in to meet your goals, and more, find an agency partner like 3 Media Web that can deliver what you need to move your business forward.

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